in response to the Beard quote...
I feel compelled to write something in response to the quote that Gillian posted by Peter Beard (on my Feb 23rd posting), about the parallel destruction that elephants and humans cause. First of all, the destruction that he mentions is not just in Kenya (where he spent most of his time in Africa), I have seen it right here in Botswana, in Makgadikgadi (where I work) and in Moremi, where parts of the park look like a war zone because the number of elephants is just too big for the small space they inhabit and they have completely destroyed the vegetation. In the past, the answer to this was culling ( controlled shooting of elephants to keep the population down), but to me this seems like a pretty inhumane way to solve the problem. Especially because often the reason for overcrowding of elephants in the park is a result of the fact that they have been hunted and poached in all of the unprotected areas just outside of the park, and have been smart enough to realize that they are much safer if they stay inside the boundaries of the park, even if this means less space to roam. So wouldnt a better answer be to stop ele hunting outside the park, rather than wait until there are too many in the park, and then kill them anyways, under the guise of "management"?
The other part of the quote I thought was interesting was:
"Again and again, we adapt to the damage we cause. That is our genius. We do to our forests what we have forced all the Babars and Dumbos to do to theirs. At the highest levels of leadership (and guilt), we cover our tracks and invent perfect excuses."
In one of the books I was in fact just reading this past weekend about Peter Beard, a friend of his commented that he had been a follower of Peter Beard (who preaches a sort of end-of-the-world gloom and doom rhetoric) until another friend of his once said something along the lines of, if we as humans can destroy the world, who says we cant build it back up again? To me there is something really unsettling about this statement, but I cant exactly pinpoint it or put it into words...any thoughts?
(and if you are all wondering who peter beard was, funnily enough, i only was introduced to his work this past weekend, the day before gillian put up that post...he is a new york-born artist/photographer who has spent a large part of his life in kenya, both in the bush photographing wildlife (he recorded the great elephant die-off in Tsavo Park in keyna a few decades ago) but also a big figure (ie playboy) in the kenyan expat social scene and the new york art world. he discovered iman (took photos of her with lions), was married to cheryl tiegs...etc etc. you can google him for yourself. )